The jackeeeeeeet
My mom, who isn't a drunken whoore, always has peanut butter on hand to make her favorite son a fluffernutter.
How it feels being on this sub having only seen the first 2 seasons.
Put Vito on the phone asshole
Chrissy... Da fuck you doin?!
You're right Cooz!
Dr. Melfi, the fuck you doin!
There you go, you big mouth fuck
Rural America during the halftime show
Tony Soprano Art
I LOVE the way you make me ride you
Adriana perfected.
That's right cocksucka go back to rapture!
Whaddya hear, whaddya say?
I’m here outta respect for my daddy
Found Junior’s Car
Who doesn’t love sushi?
It's not a milkshake, it's a
Adios you fuckin skank
Adios you fuckin skank!
You know that fat cocksucker says I look like the President of Panama?
You got some balls kid. I’ll give you that much
He was Jewish, Calzone with legs?