Who do you think is your favorite character in the HH and why?
Forbidden romance.
First Justaerin Complete. For the Warmaster!
Word Bearers update, added Blood Slaughterers
If you need some motivation today
First complete tactical unit of the 321st Grand Battalion "The left behinds"
Hahahaha oh trump lied to us?????
Iron Warriors Warsmiths Revealed
Me and the boys on the way to the chow hall after doing IA drills in the backyard
Salamanders Pyroclasts
Ummm…. I can explain
Completed the Sicaran battle tank at 0.12 layer resolution FDM.
Death guard paint scheme ??
commandant completes combat fitness test 11 months after open heart surgery
What legion specific consuls are still missing models?
From the way back time of HH 1.0 and 2016 my first Ashen Claws army.
Had some exam but got back to work on the warmaster.
Happy Thanksgiving devils
Emperor's Children Praetor
Imperial Fists, an update at 2k points
Hai Chogoris! First tactical squad of my Brotherhood.
On display for paint judging, wish me luck!
Stygies VIII Archmagos Prime fighting for....Something
XIX Legion Tactical Squad