Watching the new video was kind of surreal
Are women with this body type attractive
Week 3- which minecraft mob immediately comes to your mind after seeing this colour - red
How many platinum trophies do yall have? I have 0😭
Asmon banned on Twitch
What truck should I buy? megathread
Am I childish for buying me this as a almost 17 year old?
What do you call this and why is not the super sample rock?
With the end of production for the challenger and charger, what will be the new 36% APR vehicle airmen will flock to ?
Heard an Airman ask an O-6 how to make friends. What is the best questions you’ve heard an Airman ask a Senior leader?
I hear my dad was great at morale boosting when he served
[2024] Artist Recommendations by Location
Hot Take: Charger armour is way too strong for their assumed threat level
WIBTA if i abandoned my child?
Cover up ideas?
Marjorie Taylor Greene "swatted" on Christmas day
[GIVEAWAY] $100 PSN Gift Card - US Store
If someone were to get you a sword what would you have in mind?
What do you guys say when a girl out in town asks what you do for work?
What to do with an odd (and large) shelf?
If a contracting job ad related to the Cyber/Intel field says "have 4 years of relevant experience" does that mean I can't apply if I only signed a 4 year enlistment?
New OCP Uniform
I was lucky to score tickets to an OT winner, and then see Chess legend Hikaru Nakamura on the way to my car