This is definitely a contamination right? I kind of forgot this jar existed and it’s been in my cupboard for quite a while.
Does this look like contamination to you guys? First time grower so I don’t really know
Does anyone know what kind of trees these are?
I got this jar for Christmas with what I think are a fittonia and a ficus elastica inside, should I take them out of the jar or are they fine inside?
Just got my first grow light, it’s a led light which I was able to put in a lamp I had, are there any things I should know?
Just got this plant and it feels like velvet, I have no clue myself what it is
The center of my Boston fern seem pretty dead and the plant is dropping quite a few leaves, should I be worried?
Was never able to identify this plant and now it seems to be blooming, anyone able to help?
Anyone know what kind of plant this is?
Does anyone know what plant this is
Wut u guys think about my eggplants?? I grew them from seeds and I'm 12
I finally put my first plant grown from a seed into it’s own pot, and 🥺🥺
The best book I have ever read! Has anyone applied the knowledge in this book to their permaculture and personal practices?
Money tree braiding
Plant parent for about 6 months now and my girlfriend and family already think I have a problem :)
This plant belongs to my father and many of the edges have turned yellow and brown, does anyone know what the cause might be, I also have no idea what plant this is.
Does anyone know the name of this plant?
Picture of the stems
Considering a humidifier to keep RH stable, are there any proper ones that aren't very expensive?
What is important when buying a humidifier for my plants?
Does this seem like fungus gnats damage?
I think my alocasia has spider mites or something
Electrifying macodes petola ⚡️
After graduating last month, Covid has meant that graduate positions have become unbelievably competitive and the idea of getting a job had become increasingly unlikely. I decided to buy a store that was up for sale and couldn't be any happier.
My girlfriend's succulent randomly got flowers and it looks amazing!