Amiaryllis Bloo seem to be lying about everything.
I need help ASAP, the girls in my class keep saying my lips are CHAPPED take a look.
What do you call someone who…
While we 92% rest, the Boomers of Gen-Z declares protests are cringe.
Why does my CV keeps getting rejected?
Every hair style I’ve tried can’t be maintained to hide my forehead
Geese migrating already? Is still frozen here in Albany, NY So cool to see - missed recording it but another fleet of them just came in!
Canada Protecting Ducklings
This goose and his pal are always at my parking spot when I pull up to work in the morning
I have a big ahh forehead, what hairstyles should I get?
"Should I wear Jirai Kei to...?" A GUIDE
What's wrong with it?
AIO bought my bf a $200 pan, told him not to use metal on it.
Report system is useless.
Leucistic Canada Goose?
To the right supporting Israel despite the televised genocide, here you go.
Cant get my pours right? My first week of loving guiness i got it right everytime, now its always frothy??
Was anyone else weirded out by this photo?
Can we PLEASE quit with the doomer crap?
(extra stout) took you guys advice, turned out better, thank you!
Did my mate split the G?
Just moved and get to see so many of these guys all the time now
I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
I might lose my account for a funny comment about a person’s mouse profile pic? How is this possible? 😂 Photo of profile pic in comments