Why can we wear socks during wudhu but not nail polish?
Sometimes, I feel like everything is haram
Rockaberry. C’est quoi votre saveur préférée?
Wearing an abaya without hijab drinking alcohol?
Question about Abortion
Luteal phase hunger
Should we contact mods to ban users from this sub?
NY hijabi connections!
Just a question, because I'm confused
Do you get weird looks in a burkini?
Vent: I shouldn't have to DM new revert sisters
/r/Hijabis friendship exchange thread
Guys its happened. But so much worse
Struggling with tabarruj
Solo travelling as a visible hijabi
Extremely strict parents & going out
Can a Non-Muslim Woman Wear Muslim Clothing?
This came out of nowhere
Are these things actully tabarruj?
Why is zionism so bad on reddit?
What exactly is the ruling on make up?
Duaa if you hurt someone
do muslims of the west keep dogs as pets like it's normal?
People who make more than 20K a month, what do you do?