Literally just admitted it and nothing will happen
i wish i experienced college before covid
I just don’t get it
Who else here lives with non-cc people
Friends that selectively mask
Sometimes we really are masking for those who can't
Tel Aviv University Scientists Say They’ve Developed Nasal Spray that Protects Against All Covid Variants
Covid is not over
Family doesn’t mask
tired of being stared at everywhere
"I'm not going to mask forever"
I convinced my fam to get vaccinated 🥳!
What do you all do for work?
Is Readimask worth it?
Any Covid cautious people from Germany and/or Berlin on here who want to connect?
Is there a Latin name for the “if we were really in danger, someone would have told us/done something” fallacy?
People who don't wear N95, why?
If you are sick, please don't not come to class.
What the fuck is the plan
Trying to find a post
I Just Exploded on My Dad
A thank you to this community
What made you decide to seriously practice covid safety? (If you weren't doing this to begin with).
Asked CVS for Novavax, secretly injected with Moderna instead
Exhausted from the infighting