Double major in Finance and Accounting, haskayne
Spring GPA booster
Alarm clock beta 2.1
Library Games profiles file for xtmapper
[ Removed by Reddit ]
My girlfriend and I kissing in front of hate preachers at South Carolina Pride
I've used all sorts of browsers, but I keep coming back to MS Edge! Does everything right, hopefully the manifest v2 issue doesnt kill uBlock completely.
What thumbnail would you click?
Any straight femboys with straight girlfriends (just wondering)?
Laptop for first year Haskayne student; Mac vs Windows (Fall 2025)
As a student does privacy matter?
Like this Finnish traditional song.
How to get anger issues 101 by Theo
Browser recommendation for Android & Windows
What Brower and searchengine do you guys use and why?
How Brave you are?
Is there a setting to enable this feature that Chrome and Brave has on Edge? I really like Edge but the lack of this feature is very annoying.
Where do femboys like to hang out?
What music do you listen too
Does anyone use vanilla gnome
show off your homescreen setup!
Waydroid Free fire 30 day Ban issue
Has anyone ever gotten their server changed?
University District Pros & Cons