Urgent!! If phone resets after the 20 incorrect attempts feature, does this erase the data on the SD card? also what are some other consequences of this?
If phone resets after the 20 incorrect attempts feature, does this erase the data on the SD card? also what are some other consequences of this?
Auto factory reset after 20 unlock attempts
Introducing new post flairs, and a reminder about YouTube videos (and other self-promo)
(Spanish to English) what does donitas mean here?
Gym music recommendations?
Comment something then edit it to make me look bad
Last one!!! What is z for?
The majority voted Bubble tea. C is for…
A was for aMaZinG. B is for…
Zigenerwisen or however tf u spell it. but yeah.
This applies to a lot of fantasy
Ask me anything about the piano/piano music, and then edit your comment to make me look bad
The purrfect tone
[deleted by user]
Why don't we call bad conductors insulators?
What kind of cereal do musicians have for breakfast?
My violin aint violingin
I like how editor-san felt the need to add an arrow so we don't confuse it with any other houses in the shot.
Create a Restaurant but it's Classical-Music Themed.
Twoset once said:
caption this image
Violins in stock photos be like: