What’s that one movie you could watch over and over again without getting tired of it?
I have upgraded my old La San Marco SM90A
Doctors in London cure blindness in children with rare condition
🔥Detroit was flooded and it froze over night! Cars are stuck
Deepfake quiz reveals only 0.1% can spot AI images and videos
MIT students are pulling shots on a $20k La Marzocco in a materials science coffee lab as part of "Coffee Matters" class (and the professor has one of the funniest ever drags on Starb*cks)
Popcorn 3 attempted batches
[Be WARNED] My Experience of Trying to Buy Used Coffee Equipment (Niche Zero) off Facebook
Resolution on smoke- and aerosol-free environment ban strongly rejected by EU Parliament
Espresso Drinks - Which is your favourite?
Pleasure Prohibition
Global movement seeks to reverse wildlife losses by 2050
International Energy Agency: Renewables set to meet half of globe’s power demands by 2030
Beginner Equipment Question Re. SweetMaria
Youth Cigarette Smoking: a major public health victory has been achieved. Yet, few people are talking about it
Kids No Longer Smoke Cigarettes. Why Aren’t We Celebrating?
Got a manual?
Canada to make contraceptives and morning-after pill free
Yaroslava Mahuchikh wins gold in Women's High Jump
Not a B movie: Sharks are ingesting cocaine in the ocean, scientists find
Toho have issued new rules for use of Godzilla in any future films!
What scene always makes you laugh?
Are You Eating Like the Rest of America? How U.S. Diets Have Changed Over 20 Years
After brutal critiques, Microsoft Recall will get these major privacy and security changes
My mom has been smoking for 40 years. She just switched to vaping but doesn’t inhale it into her lungs??