19f roast me :)
I would love some constructive criticism 😄
Need eyeshadow advice pretty please
Here again asking for more advice! Some pics before bad eyeliner attempt and after
just finished a 3x3 self portrait for my class :)
Selling this 1917-1918 Hippodrome program
this piece rly made me want to start doing a lot more collage [Analog]
work from my figure drawing class this semester
dowel rod figure
An assignment based of a random fortune cookie fortune
1917-1918 season Hippodrome ft Harry Houdini
Help Pricing 1917-1918 season Hippodrome ft Harry Houdini
What do i even do with my eye makeup?
Simple hooded eye makeup! Advice?
How to fix batwing eyeliner
Two different inner corners + hooded eyes??
Is this a symptom of FND, or does anyone know what this is?
free codes!