true story
Been playing Wii for the first time. Why do some of you prefer this over 8DX??
What karts from previous games are you Hoping make a Come back for Mario Kart 9
My ranking of Smashing Pumpkins albums (+ Zwan and TFE)
i have seen so many people call the new ttyd soundtrack terrible but do you think it wouldnt be as hated if it was a new game in the series and not a remake?
one of the most evil paper mario characters
As a sequel to my last post, here's my personal casting for a Super Paper Mario-based show!
What's one word you can say that everyone in the fandom will understand?
Who does this apply to the most?
My personal casting for an Omori show/movie (kinda has spoilers?)
Song-to-song comparisons which are just too damn accurate?
My personal casting for a Thousand-Year Door-based show/movie
My wishlist for a Double Dash sequel roster
My dream for a kinda(?) realistic Double Dash sequel
New Supergroup
Name one good thing about a band you don't like.
Songs similar to 4th of July?
For those that haven’t seen this guitar cover of Starla, please do so
Video proof of me playing Mario kart with one hand. (And 2 legs)
If we only get six more returners and six newcomers who would you choose? Kk
[DISCUSSION] What are some of the most notable SP concerts?
What locations in the Mario universe would like to see get made into a race course in the upcoming Mario Kart game for the Switch 2?
Create your Pumpkins playlist, can't choose the same song
Can we talk about how great this 4 track run is?
If Nintendo reached out to you and asked you to pick 1 character you'd want to be in the new MK, who would you pick and why? I'll start