She can be quite sweet when she isn’t being mean to me
Delhi, drop your fav album and find your music partner!!
Trying out some new stuff
I’ve Lost You too
My niece called me ugly and I’m spiralling.
Here’s to You
You're bedridden for 72 hours. What show are you binge watching?
6 hour drive and you can only listen to one artist. Who are you listening to?
My child's 9yo friend began going gray when he was 5.
Chonky lil girl !
Which death made you cry first?
Post the last picture you took of your dog.No cheating!
I should’ve kissed her
What was your worst sexual experience?
66 yr old skin care addict
What game?
What was the first celebrity death you remember and how old were you then?
I think I won
My friend said he looked like Snoop Dogg lol
What Are You Happy About This Year?
Thinking of you
Enjoying the rare winter Sun with my 2 boys. One’s 11 and the other’s 2 :)
what's a movie you've rewatched a hundred times and still love?
Broke someone's heart, and I can't stop feeling terrible about it
Bf told me he’d be here today on Christmas Eve, ghosted me all day because he relapsed and went on a bender.