What teachings can the Watchtower say are one hundred percent from Jehovah God and will never need changing, and what teachings are from the leadership and probably will be changed at some point?*
Question about Jehovahs Witnesses
This request is for anyone who is familiar with the Watchtower’s “ New Light” and its change in recent years, to provide current information on how various points regarding this warning would no longer apply?
This request is for anyone who is familiar with the Watchtower’s “New Light” and its change in recent years, to provide current information on how various points regarding this warning would no longer apply?
The true character of the Watchtower is evident when they place blame on the members “own understanding based on wrong premises” when their third disappointing false prophecy of 1975 fails .
Jehovah's Witnesses, like many other high-control religious groups, employ a variety of manipulation tactics to maintain loyalty, control behavior, and discourage dissent among their members. Here are some of the key tactics:
The true character of the Watchtower is evident by their placing blame on the members “own understanding based on wrong premises” when their disappointing prophecy of 1975 fails .
This is beginning to really bother me.
The Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that Jehovah God chose the Society to represent him on earth in 1919. Why did it take 26 years of Bible study to discover that blood transfusions are wrong, as they were not prohibited until 1945?
How can Jehovah’s Witnesses be satisfied with the Watchtower’s view of the Bible which offers no explanation of the basic scriptural questions regarding Jesus being Michael the Archangel?
Uh-oh, it looks like the NWT translators are in trouble.
For years, #JW were adamant that 1914 was the key year for prophecy. Now their Silver Sword Bible says Satan was hurled to earth “about” 1914, and William Malenfant confirms the uncertainty, saying Revelation’s prophecies happen from “about” 1914.
What are the contradictions by the Watchtower regarding the worshipping of Jesus?
Jehovah God commanded the angels to worship the Son, but he himself did not bow down to his Son The Scriptures, Reason and the Trinity The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom—1953
Jesus return in the flesh
"Jesus AND his 144,000 associate kings (???) will have the power to completely empty the grave..."
JW Study Bible
Question about Birthdays
What Are Some Teachings, Beliefs, Doctrines That JW Have Changed Over The Years
If you have left the organisation, either through rejection or free will, I wonder how you feel. Are you content having left, do you wish to return, is there anything you miss from membership?
The following letter and questions were sent on November 25th (and Sept. 13,2024 and October 7, 2024) to the Watchtower at Jehovah's Witnesses, 1020 Red Mills Rd., Wallkill NY 12589 with no reply or even the courtesy of an acknowledge as of yet.