Looking for a game that is like digital crack
OG lush cave?
[XBOX] [2000s - 2010s] i found a picture today with this game in the backround, does anybody recognise it?
Beta 1.7.3 weird mushroom gathering
Additions to my base
The Carians are Albinauric
Theory About Albinauric Generations
Thanks Uncle Dunc
Some recent builds of mine (Beta 1.7.3)
Adderall And 10 Hour Shifts
Ppl who’ve read the Dexter books: What purpose(s) does his silk mask serve?
What if everything Trump and Elon said becomes a reality?
People who are planning to vote for other than Trump and Harris or aren’t planning to vote at all, why?
Fallout 76 Update Notes – October 22, 2024
Update On Isometric Rotation
Isometric Grid With Rotating Camera
Designing new secondary weapons for my roguelite game where you play as a blind ninja. The louder they are the more damage they deal. What do you think?
How Do We Feel About No Moving During Jump?
FE Elimination Tournament. Blazing Blade has been eliminated. Poll is located in the comments. What's the next worst game? I'd love to hear everyone's reasoning.
Resizing character, when moving to a new room
Can't figure out sprite shading/coloring.
Games Similar to Legend of Grimrock
Protip: listen to constructive feedback! Here's the from my RPG UI before and after feedback from friends.
Best Distro For Game Dev On Cheap Laptop?