Female readers — What suggestions do you have for me?
overcoming rocd
Season 1 was not dramatic enough for me.
Related show recommendations?
affordable websites where i can get clothes like this?
GUYS. This story is SO! GOOD!! I had been looking for a story to really pull me in and this one did exactly that after months of not reading on Episode. Any recs that are similar in terms of quality??
LI who only cares about MC?
Saw someone post this and now I’m curious - do I look like my avatar? I know I use those super popular features 🤧
you flew away (would love critiques)
What You Were To Me
How can I stop loving someone I shouldn’t
supernatural academy books with a vampire love interest?
you changed your t-shirt
Watching Sunsets
I (21f) cannot get over our break-up with bf (21m) of 4 years
Movies like ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall’ or ‘500 Days of Summer’ for getting through a breakup
Real baddies remember what this was used for instead.
Do any other INFJs…..
a story that everyone liked but you just couldn’t get into it?
Question about Folk Devils — NO SPOILERS PLEASE!!
Unpopular MC/Popular LI or Unfamous MC/Famous LI stories??
Join my book club if you are active!! It’s only me one other person right now — we’re going to do recommendations in the chat and share our fave stories!
what the hell is happening to my poor beardie???!?! someone please help
Is anyone else’s stories lagging?? It’s so slight but it’s giving me a headache. Idk what to do it’s happening on all the stories in my library.