All the third anniversary tidbits
I’m annoyed there’s no furniture to match each character room :(
[Repost] My previous post was removed because it had an unlicensed sukuna resin lol mb
Which Love interests designs you crave to do his route but you can't because the game is not translated in english?
sooo, i tried smth?
Chapter 4 question
GameStop employee help!
Mysteriful collection
Help me find a manga
[Birushana] Should I keep trying to play Birushana?
Welcome to the family Fire Emblem Engage!
Fire Emblem Engage user icons are available starting today for Nintendo Switch Online members!
[Diabolik Lovers] Language Difficulty?
My entire collection. Love these games.
how does the cognitive world change game to game?
Danganronpa Creator Might Return to the Series When People Start to Forget It
[Cafe Enchante] I was wondering if anyone would know who this character is from? I would greatly appreciate it!!
Piofiore or Code: Realize??
Are there any otome games where you didn't like any of the LIs? And vice versa: are there any where you fell in love with all the LIs?
[Birushana] A summary of Benkei's route in one screenshot, courtesy of Tomomori
[Nightshade] WHERE is the harem route with Gekkamaru and Kuroyuki??? I need it
Yang's route ABSOLUTELY lived up to the hype 🥵🥵
[Heart no Kuni no Alice] Cat boy lovers rejoice, Spade Black World got officially announced and Boris wants to say he loves you (except I drew him in his Heart outfit because I like that better, sorry)
smash two or three of your favorite characters together to create a new love interest -would the result be yay or nay?
What are the best plot focused otome games on the switch?