USD 4,344.00 for brand new speedy in Japan
Oneplus 12vs xiaomi 14 pro
Phone recommendations
Account giveaway pick a number between 1 and 1,000
Devil Maiden skill preview
What is your own superstition.
Which Attribute has the least useful monsters?
Racuni Nerf Idea - Unable to remove heal block
Washedout guy returns to rta
if a whale tells you to farm more
Balance Patch is here! (Better Version)
oliver nerf when?
60 gallons cube deadspots
Rescaped my 23 galls
Beautiful mambo bee shrimp
New project incoming
Suggestions for rescaping my remaining 4 tanks?
How many tanks do you have and how much time do they take you to maintain? Would you rather have more small or one big tank to keep maintenance time down?
2nd try at scaping! Before and after
Before and after again! Last time, promise.
Open to any criticism
First aquascape
Hardscapes in the tank, appreciate feedback.