Dark metallic green
New op riki build to tilted your bobo team mate
Ecotronic Grey for your viewing pleasure
2024 Ecotronic Grey
Imperial Fe have a better showing on both maps vs Navi than Imperial’s main team earlier in 2024
Just a wee bit out of date there eh Torte?
Crownfall Extension: A Money Grab Fueled by a Cat Picture?
Here are some shots by Vivo X200 (these are just point and shoot and also I am not a pro)
Captured on X100 pro
[Entry Thread #101] It’s a new year, let’s make it a good one! As for us, we’re back in business making millionaires, and all you have to do is comment to enter!
My orange Gatorade freezes in the garage but the purple and red do not. (-10c)
He just wants two more weeks of Crownfall
Uuuuuhmmm guys, is this ok??
Oh lawd he hereeee
Warning - Kiwitux Compressed Couch
Why Lich took zero damage from RScythe? Match ID 8126886166
Nintendo will reportedly reveal Switch 2 this week
CPU temps around 85-90°
What movie title would describe your sex life?
I took a pic of a road near Queenstown,NZ
What are some funny NSFW names you can come up for a hot sauce that destroys ?
What profession or career field tends to attract the weirdest people?
Why can’t the world just live in peace?
LPT You can fix a dry mouth by biting down on the tip of your tongue
what’s the best thing someone has told you during sex?