Is She a Hidden Red Flag ?
Alright, let’s talk safety since no one is going to help us
I (32M) looking for anyone else like me in this country
Diamond Ring suggestions
Aren’t we overreacting on law and order?
ধর্ম যার উৎসব তার
স্বরাষ্ট্র উপদেষ্টা মাঝরাতে ঘুম থেকে উঠে সংবাদ সম্মেলন করে বলতেছেন " দুর্বৃত্তদের ঘুম হারাম করে দিবেন উনি "
How to overcome height insecurity
Restaurant recommended
Alright, Convince Me: Is ISKCON Really a Terrorist, Hindutva, or Political Organization?
Iskon decapitated a lawyer infront of police.
Confessed today
Is dating culture over?
How can I date?
Did I f up or dodge here?
Lose her forever or be friends?
Should I move back to Bangladesh
I beat a moral police today
How do you when it's time to quit on you marriage?
May 13, 2023
Where are all the normies gone!?
Luxury of Dhaka
First, first date that went well!
I feel lost. What do I do?