Legendary for 12 hours
Group chat needed
Is it even possible to get hundreds of shards without spending cp?
Can't wait for tomorrow.
Rate Ye's ig story out of 10
When did this skin come? And will it come back again?
Is krai ranked also just bot lobbies ?
Beard or no beard?
I finally did it. 20 kills before anyone got a single stab
Did anyone else get the new ui?
Beard or no beard
after several shotgun and deaths,shitty teammates and raging to ravager launcher a million times. I’ve finally reached legendary
Got my first Torpedo(clean) tdy
How many calories in this chicken pizza?
Did anyone at some point start getting charged by this website called smarty plus?
Am I the only one worried about this? What happens when you meet a 5 stack overclock team??
The secret to controlling your recoil.
Why does this keep happening?
What are some of the unwritten rules of jailbreak?
Advice on facial hair . Take 2 :)
Grandmaster 3 Ranked Reward
Ohh, thank heavens! We all have been waiting for this
Estimate on a burger and fries like this?
What should I get