Should experimental tasks be do not bill?
So I’m confused
What Does A Person Being Super Animated Around You Or While Talking To You Mean?
What’s a song you have never gotten tired of?
Am I the asshole for not wanting to mend things with my daughter?
Every post in this sub
music suggestions!
Good agender artists
Looking for songs that reference 22 or turning 22
Need help naming my english bulldog🫶🏼
Getting sober. Any Anti-drinking songs to recommend?
What so many high-profile shootings have in common: isolated young men
I asked a girl out
Eminem hasn’t had a good album in 20+ years
The Beatles are shit and anyone who likes them is just pretending.
Help name our boy ❤️
Do they really have nothing better to do?
What do you think is the single most impactful/important/famous image to represent each decade? (American history)
Everyday on my walk, this person is parked on the sidewalk (which is illegal) even though they have plenty of room on their driveway.
Let's play nice im a lil sensitive
Exam part 3
Have a good day at work today
Good lord why are my intestines cosplaying as Niagra Falls??
GRB panini pressed that someone on her live asked for Ryan’s number
Do you guys think Mia even likes Gypsy?