banging my head against a wall
7700 and seemingly not heading toward LGA
Do people think SQL code is intuitive?
lithuania anon speaks the truth
Nothing is ever finished with Grimes
What's a dating doc worth in micromarriages?
our new hyperpop queen coming for charli
Roast my resume. Be as brutal as possible!
tf (sorry for bad quality compression is a bitch)
how to tweet by elon musk
Please tell me I'm not the only one
I think I have an idea how Porridge managed to get his eye poked by a piece of hay.
‘tis the season
sigma male grindset starter pack
Test to decide whether African-Americans could vote during Jim Crow's time. Questions were intentionally made tricky to deny them voting right.
unreleased song recommendations??
I want to go downstairs to get a snack and wine but
What calendar apps or other methods do you use to keep track of assignments?
Fav Artist (not Marina)
What are your biggest roadblocks when you try to work towards your goals? Especially when perfectionism comes into play
Bought a file organizer while browsing target today after years of shoving important papers into this desk drawer. So close.. 😅😅
Looks like the 16” MacBook pro is out of stock everywhere, even at the 5th Ave store.
Who wants to see Grimes at Met Gala this year?? pls I really wanna see her there🐉🐉