Glædelig bag'jul idioter
Når man er snulle klar
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Being controversial in PUBG 13
Try it :)
Does anyone know what this is?
Men of Reddit, how short is too short in a woman?
Guys, if you could choose a Gadget from any operator to have in real life, which one would you choose? I would like to have Iana's Clone.
Refunds on Steam work - here is good guy Steam accepting simple, straightforward logic.
What Operation did you start in and what do you miss about Siege?
luckily max has a spare door
Af en eller anden grund brugte jeg 2 uger på at lave en Netto version af den ikoniske karakter Hatsune Miku
Kulning or herding calls is a domestic Scandinavian music form, often used to call livestock (cows, goats, etc.) down from high mountain pastures where they have been grazing during the day
køligt kar
A map of the expression "Cats have (X number) lives"
be careful guys there is a scam going on the discord, and my antivirus save my ass. don't click on any link.
What is a good song that is over 6 minutes long?
Hi, I got a question. Are young people (0-30 years) still interested in Norse mythology and history? I mean like gods, Vikings, tales etc. Are you interested, are you reading about that, are you proud on this, etc. Thank you very much for answers.
Lil Nas Xtreme Snowboarding
What does this pole in Norreport do?
I dare you.
I wanna know
Meetup Thread for Denmark