I owe the government $23000 from CERB some how….
Lisa Marie Presley
It’s time for “the talk” any advices please?
sucking dick
I ate 50g of raw chicken puke or wait?
Employee at Guelph bar bitten and slapped
Local Grocers?
As an adult, do you resent your parents for anything?
CERB from Service Canada
Anyone Else Never Been a Groomsman?
Repayment for CRB- $32k
Elon musk gets green light to buy TikTok. This has implications for Canada. Our youth will now be served right wing propaganda on a plate!
Old gamers- what 10+yo game is worth a play-through?
Bug found in food
Embarrassed that I don’t have friends to be my bridesmaids
What made you lose a lot of weight?
Freddy got fingered birthday party?
Let's say that your username is the cause or your death, what will happen to you?
Why Doug Ford is sending you a cheque instead of direct deposit
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
When did dilemna change to dilemma?
I just found out my dad is cheating on my mom
As an insurance agent how carefully do you document?
Ontario is sending out $200 rebate cheques starting today
What to do to avoid feeling attachment towards someone ?