Fellow married Millennials- do you and your spouse have combined finances? If not, why?
What’s a common health myth that needs to go away already?
Why do intensive care units hire new grads over nurses with medsurg experience?
Since the doctors don’t rx opioid meds what DO they do for ppl now?
What is the smallest amount of money that would be life changing for you at this moment?
Is it about to go warm from here on out through summer?
Millennials, what are some “cringe” things you used to do as teenagers (looking back)?
Nursing things you should know by now
Anyone have books from RN to BSN program?
What is your daily routine on a typical day of your life?
Honest opinions on my playing? 18 yo. been oddly unsatisfied with my playing recently dk why
It Has Already Started
What do you look for in a provider?
What are you scared of as an adult that you weren’t scared of as a child?
Should I do nursing or medicine?
What’s something you didn’t appreciate until later in life?
Successful Withdrawal. Any lasting effects?
Redditors born before 2001, where were you on 9/11?
ER nurses - how do you respond to the “what’s the craziest thing you’ve seen?” question?
Starting in your 30s
What is the number one cause of your stress mostly in your life right now?
People in their 40s and 50s with no children, how does it feel?
I Want To Disappear download code giveaway!
Rant about New Grads
What is the best thing I could do for my career?