Logically, would Nintendo go into MMO territory?
Homophobic comment got me really upset
Why is this appearing every time I open safari / google on Iphone
I've noticed that I always take photos with people who are randomly drinking coffee in the cafe at night, does anyone else have this habit? lol
Is my tama one of the remakes?
What’s your favourite “not famous” character?
Love Letter to my new IPHONE 16 Plus in Pink!
Hot take: I liked this menu.
My son. Snart. What is he???
Do you guys prefer to read the Sailor Moon manga or watch the 90s anime?
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Complete - Camper Card Megathread
A caller at this hour? You dial 9-1, then when I say so, dial 1 again.
Animal crossing is like therapy to me
These searches
What do you think about my current residents?
What is your island name? How did you pick it?
Today i learned that the iPhone 16 Pro can output video with an USB-C adapter.
Goodbye to my babies 💕 :(
Por que p*rtugueses são tão ruins em escrever artigos pra wikipedia?
The winner of the Frosty Fest Money vs. Experiences vs. Presents Splatfest is…
Me encontré este auto en la autopista
What are your red flags starting a committed relationship?
How many bells have you gotten from a balloon?! I just got 30,000!
Anyone else think Luna is kinda rude and annoying