F4 jobs as an F6 visa
Good lord, these are some tough choices. Make sure to vote.
It's a good thing that you skipped 😭🙏🏿
Teaching on the Weekend (advice needed)
What happened to the crazy guy in your gym?
I’m finally at a stage where I can dominate some people and now they decline rolls
Akainu in chapter 1116..
A question about severance
Advice for an F Visa teacher
The final word in Bink's Sake seems significant
How do i get this one ?
Have you played a game and felt like it was made to destroy your joysticks?
Is it worthy to take a Korean Course not in Seoul as a foreigner?
Are BJJ instructional videos worth it?
Northcote BJJ Melbourne
fast/effective lesson planning????
If you could get rid of any suburb in Melbourne what would it be?
So tired of COVID affecting EVERYTHING for EPIK application
Defending attacks while opponent is in closed guard
Toughts about Yakuza 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2, and questions about 3
Unpopular Opinion: if somebody is allowed to pull guard on me, I should be able to slam them.
Guys please play prey
Feels like I'm just spinning my wheels
Keenan is starting to sound like Eddie Bravo
Gym tips Melbourne, Australia