Love letter to the HMG
New/improved fighter
Here I was thinking the MO "effect" would just drop the fuel capacity in each FRV from 60 litres to ~20... instead we get... [*gestures vaguely*] whatever the f*** this bullshit is.
Spare Change Arrowhead?
Railgun defence platform coming soon.
Nuh uh dont think of liying
Blizzard and Sandstorm mechanics
What made you understand?
Aerial FRV: Pilotable Pelican?
For managed democracy!
Thinking about making a heavy fighter variant in this style
What if resupply pack had 6 slots?
When helldivers turns to a movie
Update: Neighbors won’t stop driving through my yard
My first post here, do you like my gun?
Maritime Operations
Rocket strider moment
Rate my satsuma
Does this need to be refrigerated?
Killed everyone by hitting the driver
Nods to other franchizes
Next person to repost this shit gets banned
Attention Helldivers, this is a checkpoint, leave your best Helldivers reaction image here
Helldivers SPG recommendation