Septum donde wrong?
When can I sleep on my piercing?
How to help lucy when she may not understand he’s gone.
My fully healed industrial with incorrect anatomy
Cleaned the carpet of our new house that we got the keys to earlier today. Had been “professionally cleaned” beforehand.
New septum ring! (And undesired feedback drama)
You wake up and find that you’ve been Freaky Friday’d with Elon Musk! Quick, what’s the first thing you do?
infected or rejecting?
Is it normal my earrings to get this much gunk after wearing them?
Septum piercing question
Couples who have a safe word, what is it?
Erotic fiction connoisseurs, what are some must-reads in your opinion?
Why do you hate grocery shopping?
Looking back throughout the year, what are your greatest accomplishments?
Is this a normal amount of swelling?
When did you stop sitting in the back seat?
Earlobe Piercing Jewelry
Rejecting? Or infected
If you have several piercings, can you rate them from 1 to 10 so i know which one i should get?
when can i change my industrial piercing?
Thoughts on the setup/ new piercing?
Is it possible that a lobe piercing I've had for 6+ years closed up after not having jewelry in it for 10 days?
Can you sleep on an industrial piercing once it's healed?
Do you like veined boobs?
Re-piercing my ears advice