First time playing Classic, and today I finally hit level 60! Despite all the skepticism about Paladins not being able to tank, I’ve tanked every dungeon on my way to max level—and man, it has been so much fun!
An Argali mountain sheep killed by its own horns.
Drone footage of a Russian assault on a Ukrainian position with a tiller. The attacking soldiers retreated after they came under fire from the defenders.
Necrotic runes and griefers
Who would win this hypothetical war?
We did it! BWL 20 man on Hardcore! Highlight link in the comments!
I need that cleaning kit for my phone 🥲
Some of my favourite deathlog last words.
Armory runs when the RNG gods hate you
About the giant boulder in Kara Crypts
What I look like after wiping 5 times in kara crypts without even seeing a boss. I thought having a full team of aq 40 geared players was gonna make the dungeon a cakewalk....
2 kinds of people in this game.
A little rough around the edges but they knocked it out of the park with Karazhan Crypts
First time playing Prot Paladin in Vanilla, and...
Alt for mining/herbalism in HC
Deserts of Kharak is cool
Vanilla Orgrimmar looks so much better than the retail one
My car was broken into along with 14 others in my apartment complex, but not a single person had anything stolen.
How bad is pure shaman enhance?
We all know what happened to him
nearly had a heart attack
Same bot has been advertising gold selling for days, no action from Blizz despite hundreds of reports
Is the zoo ready to welcome this little penguin? 🐧
Any idea what this machinery is?
Worst Part of Cataclysm lvling