What are your top 5 metal bands?
I like 13 more then The devil You know
Venom sucks
Just curious, what do people have on there hot bar.
drop some meme album covers
Which band's most popular song is the worst representation of their music as a whole?
What's your favorite type of metal?
Bullet Belts
18 e 14 😱
Tan Sabbath
The chicken wing on the KFC app reminded me of something...
Underbarrels not aplliyng in game for the SWAT 5.56
Name any Alice In Chains song only using emojis
metal bands with absolutely zero haters?
Which song is it for you?
Best 1980 album?
Favorite Band Of Non-native English Speakers?
Anything come to mind?
I ranked tier lists
Favorite song by singer
Day 7: Best Chords Song, The Top Comment Is Chosen
Made me laugh
Found One!
Who are the Beatles of metal music in your opinion?