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Does my cover come off as AI generated?
Just got my cover back from my artist, anyone want to give me some feedback?
I Hit A 100 Followers 19 Hours After Launch!!!
Question About Blurbs
Authors, please make it easier to find your stories through Reddit
Giving Writing a Serious Go - End of Third Full Month on Patreon
Feedback on my cover for my debut fantasy book
Anyone notice ChatGPT suddenly performing web searches every time you ask it a question?
views drop just before chapter 3... anyone willing to check out why?
Feedback wanted on a cover i've made. First time ever trying something like this.
Book cover critique
HELP - people seem to love/hate my cover!
After two weeks of starting my first novel, should I be happy or sad for these stats?
ELI5: Electric field ????
I’m 16, and I’ve just finished my novel. . . .
Book formatting
Where can I find trustworthy editors?
Editors on Fiverr
Giving up on the dream
Could use some opinions
Two styles of covers; I cannot pick which one to use.
Why do authors gravitate to the most soulless, mass-produced sounding blurbs/ads?