Something Buffyverse related that has you like this?
Did the boyfriend vs me challenge ☺️
Went on vacation and came back to this 😳
Sometimes i feel like I'm the only one in the fandom who doesn't ship spuffy. Need some validation!
I don't like the puzzle whimstars :(
They changed the timis lense colour: It's alot more purple, not brown anymore
What's something that pains you to admit?
Season 4 may be the worst, but at least it featured the best hair
What Is a Theory That’s Canon in Your Head?
After all these banners, kinda regret not pulling on the first banners 🤡
non-binary gender affirming options
What are the best platonic relationships between a man and a woman from Buffy or Angel?
What 'theme' of resonance outfits do y'all want to see at some point?
What plot twist really let you down / hard to watch?
What are some impressive things the Buffyverse writers were able to do that you think are underrated?
Next banners leaks!!
New Survey! What are your suggestions for survey requests?
I'd Bite You in a Heartbeat
What's something the writers did that felt forced?
i hope they make more red hair soon
Started playing three days ago, so sad I missed the fairy outfit😭😭
what has igorrr become?
Will you guys be pulling for the new 5⭐️ outfit?