My first delivery EVER, wish me luck! (update you in the comments soon)
I Need a Small Hint Please, I Don't Know Where to Go Now.
Leth confirms the E1331 isn't true
Is no one else understanding that this is secondhand communication from Team Cherry?
There may be truth in the bait
It's good to be back ;)
t minus one hour
I got too much copium but…
I can't believe this, but he got Araraura. What will be the implications for the silksong release ?
the first part of the code matches with E1331 got my channel
DSN question mark theory
End times are upon us.
Thank God I got in late
Hello. Araraura of Daily Silksong News here.
Umm guys… E1331 just updated his banner again
Updating birth certificate
How the heck do you choose a name?
This Uber notification mimicking a baby monitor app
Crazy? I was once crazy.
What song is this?
Dry at last!
Remember this?
Dr Lachlan Fieldhouse