TLDR: Kami tidak pernah diberi tau tentang relokasi warga Gaza ke Indonesia. Kami tidak setuju relokasi warga Gaza. Solusi dua negara harga mati.
Sometimes people don't deserve the internet.
Lucu, idol K-Pop Indonesia kena rasis oleh C-Netz, tapi lihat respon K-Netz malah jadi ironi.
Gua belom pernah nyewa/tinggal di apartment sebelumnya dan mau nyewa (maybe) apa aja yang harus gua tau
Why is the Mazda5 not a cult classic yet? Even for a minivan, I think it's quite cool!
Pengadilan Buruh Jepang menjatuhkan denda sebesar 29 juta yen atau Rp3,03 miliar kepada istri mendiang Presiden pertama Indonesia, Soekarno, Ratna Sari Dewi Soekarno alias Naoko Nemoto atau Shichihoko Nemoto
Aku bangga dengan bahasa ini
TIL Gramedia salah satu penyebab kelemahan mendasar komik buatan Indonesia. Jaman dulu Komik dan Novel Indonesia bisa suskes dengan terbit kaki lima
Pemerintah Berencana Kembalikan Hambali dari Guantanamo
You know what? F*ck the "Varian" gimmick option. This is just straight up illegal and misleading. Why the hell does Tokopedia and other Olshop is ok with this behavior???
Tugu batas wilayah Jabar-Banten-DKJ (or what's left of it)
Terutama hp/laptop
The Black Screen criticism: True or false?
Stolen shamelessly off Twitter
Wardah, Mustika Ratu >>>
Genshin Impact Game Developer Will be Banned from Selling Lootboxes to Teens Under 16 without Parental Consent, Pay a $20 Million Fine to Settle FTC Charges
mispell spongebob hardly as you can. ( spunchbop for example )
I'm making a SEA music playlist. What Indonesian songs should I add?
Some books containing LGBT+ (danmei) taken down today from Peri+ & other indie bookstores
Pintu Masuk Kawasan Pasar Baru. Januari 1937. Koleksi Tropen Museum
Di Indonesia emang gak ada makanan aneh?
Take your pick you cowards..
Gorengan Baru dari Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang Pemerintah
With a lot of friends reaching out for the sake of 'udah lama ga ketemu nih ayo catch up', ive cut off way too many people yang tiba tiba keluarin ipad 👍
Is it just me, or is Mazda design getting worse. CX-80 just looks awkward