Ten Year Update
Buy Now or Wait for a Better Opportunity? Need Advice for First-Time Home Buyer
1.6% Investment Management Fee
At 6.75% interest rate and almost 29 years left in mortgage does it make sense to make extra payments towards principal or invest in brokerage?
40M NW, should I leave CA for Portugal ?
Wondering about how to invest in a condo
Should we get life insurance?
30 and drowning. $300 did drastic damage. How do I get out of this?
34M and 33F. Burnt out. Grind it out to FIRE or CoastFIRE now?
How do I take baby steps away from the modern equivalent of the mayo jar full of cash buried in the backyard?
Ideas on contacting the CRA from abroad?
Stuck Between Upgrading My Car or Sticking with What I Have
After looking, i'm honestly so turned off on buying a home anytime soon. The numbers make zero sense.
Wealthsimple Investment Opportunity - Private Equity
How to help parent in-laws (60 yrs old) with little savings, but want to get started
How to get husband life and disability insurance?
Is it realistic to save ~700€/month as a truck driver?
Am I dumb to move out at 18?
Best way to transport $400k USD from U.S. to Canada (while also converting to CAD)
Taxes on stock capital gains for Canadian moving back to Canada from the US
Should i make the move to Arabia or should i stay in Greece
Im 25 and I am terrible with money. Not even sure where it goes but im getting depressed seeing everyone have such big savings and I have barely anything.
Starting on wealthsimple
Getting out of the US?
Found out my partner has a negative net worth. Basically no savings, some CC debt, and student loans they are currently not paying. Anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you handle it?