What is causing the pollution at this newly created ore import depot?
Just finished Bedlam Bride…
Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on
Did Satisfactory ever have a building option where you could space out buildings? For example, you went to place down 5 constructors, there was a key you could press to build 5 of them at once but could also space them out.
What are the proper ways to get waiters' attention?
So apparently Signet got a boob job between floor 3 and 6
Book 3 Question
About the gates
Casual Dopey'ers, how did it (training/race weekend) go?
Will we ever find out exactly how prepotente...
To everyone I see limping through the parks today
Canadian punches Frenchman in the face, is told he was right.
When are you going to start your reread before the Feb 11th release?
DCC reference found in the wild
I regained all of the weight that I lost in 2023
Best DCC quotes get an award!
incandescent christmas lights are far superior to led
When will Carl…
Why is my watch hating me 🥲
Well, this is a first for me. Ran a 10k today.
Book 1 says something interesting about Level 10
Cookbook conditions
What hazard level do you usually play