Why Would Therapists Police Emotional Language?
I've manipulated my husband by strategically sleeping with him for more than 20 years
Why does my skin look like this?
I will never forgive Trump voters.
facing bad skin issues at the age of 16.
Is Paula’s choice bha 2% a good exfoliant to add on non Tret days
I Swear By Not Washing Your Face Daily!
Acne/Routine help : Hi 22 m looking for acne / routine help please
No corporation or billionaire will ever act with your best interests in mind. Ever.
New Instagram Update Is Horrible / Rant
Product Request for flaky skin
Help! Is it possible to reduce these crows feet? Pregnancy/breastfeeding options only :( 33F
Hair gets oily 1 day after washing, what???
I lied about how much I make to a new job and they want proof.
A year after I left, my workplace bully has emailed an apology and asked to meet - what do I do?
I hate my job and it’s affecting me
La roche posay products for acne routine??
I M23 sustained an injury that will prevent me from having sex for a while my 22F girlfriend wants to open our relationship until I recover, is it time to end it?
How do narcissists react when they discover that their victims are in therapy as a result of their damage?
I need a recommendation of a good hydrating barrier cream and using tretinoin for dry skin
Toxic bossy Co worker, what would you do?
I drank fiji water for 24 hours and I had almost 0 symptoms
Are there any psychologists out there that view algorithms as harassment?
I changed my gender from female to male on instagram as an experiment and it’s been shocking
Coworker Leaves my Chair Smelly and I Don’t Know What To do!!!