Daniel’s Back story
I am watching Interview With The Vampire for the first time. I have not read the book or seen the movie. Here are my thoughts on Season 1 Episode 6
Only Fangs just posted a quote from “The Vampire Lestat” 🩸
AO3’s down til 20:00
Finally got one of those Nielsen Rating things in the mail!!
Friendly reminder that Netflix…
Who are some highly attractive people with a ‘heavy’ jaw? (not sure the right word for it sorry)
Opinions that would get you like this on the show sub?
I need help finding this Sam Reid video, perhaps y'all can help
Mayfair Episode 2 Thoughts - Light Spoiler
Media recommendations for IWTV enjoyers
This is too good and perfect for shitpost Saturday
The funniest place you’ve seen “IWTV” in the wild?
My friend trying to help me come up with a “classy” way to call Lestat slutty for a fic
Megan as Akasha
what does lestat say in french after "claudia, claudia, claudia"
New year, new shitpost ✨
Another Sign of Lestat’s Controlling Nature
My birthday present 💝💍💝
"We should make this our anniversary." - Leslut was always down for crazy Louis. Also, Louis is *not* like other girls.
The two finest and most brutal IWTV "what character are you?" quizzes are here to ruin your self-image
I finally found all of the IWTV X Serpent and Flame candles!!
I’d like one brain, please 🧠 🙏🏼
Princess Louis