Seems to always end up this way
Can someone explain what wn8 means
Just came back after a 6 month hiatus. What have I missed?
As usual around here lately, the tank isn't even out yet but the pitchforks are
What tank would you suggest me getting between these and why
Need people to play with
Era 2 - Absolute Abomination
My quickest 3 mark so far, taking 91 games.
Are there any chances of the GI Joe tanks being available again?
Please fewer maps like Arctic Region
Does Wargaming actually do anything about reports?
I just added the 2nd MOE on Rhm. Pzw. and FV215B 183 without using premium ammo.
Help me I am bad
Where the hell do you pen the tank 'Hardcase'??? it's got more side armor than a Maus at tier IX
Pt. 2 of my highest raw damage game
Neither a gun rammer nor a shell switcher available on the single gun because of the dumb 2 shot gun
Looking for advice on how to play the vk 30.02 d
Hello, rate this beauty
WoT’s Happening This Week! January 28th – February 3rd
Marder A1 and A3
Multiplayer in era 2 on Europe server is a joke
So you think you're having a bad tanking day...
Is the Centauro 45 T tier X medium an autoloader?
Era 2 is absolutely terrible currently