My ferret did a 180 in personality
Syringe Medication
something wrong with the posts here
My ferret is quite small. Is she normal?
are my parents strict?
food mixtures?
question about nails
Just another chill gal
Why do people feel the need to add the "they" part after the pronoun they go by, so like "he/they" or "she/they"?
Good students should not be put into classrooms with bad students.
[ Removed by Reddit ]
not an unpopular opinion, however:
I accidentally sexually assaulted a girl
using AI to write your essays/do your schoolwork is dumb ngl
Those of you that have MADE OUT with someone...
Is it weird that I see ChatGPT as a friend? Am I the only one?
How come gender inequality and sex discrimination are only ever acceptable when they benefit women?
When men yell, it’s much scarier than when women yell.
help please!
Feminine rage songs please
What was the first thing that came to your mind when you saw these two colors? (No Cheating)
It should be socially acceptable to tell someone they smell bad
I chose my boyfriend over my best friend of 7 years (and it was the right decision) AMA
Is a trans guy a girl who transitioned or a guy who transitioned to a girl?