Some recent pics of SimCity 4
made an album with a bunch of recent pics along with a few classics
Stadium complex
Since you like the low angle shots, here's another
Got my ration
New region map- you'll need to scroll left/right and zoom out/in to browse. You can also toggle transport view.
Busy ramps
Trump wouldn't take neighbor deals if he played SC4 😄
Big Orange Big Mad
Cool depth map I saw over the weekend
Urban jungle
A little room to breathe
SimCity 4- Network Addon Mod 49 has been released
Always expanding
London stays orange in a sea of blue
What is you guys' favorite food when strapped for cash? Mine is eggs. Cheap and nutritious 🥰
Cars not using onramps/slip roads?
Navigating the mountains in SimCity 4
Haljackey's highway videos have a fan.
Get drunk like a true Canadian patriot🇨🇦
Kingdom of Borike - City of Guamaní - Panorama Views
SimCity 4 Navigation
Booing the American anthem is our patriotic duty right now