Packed first TOTY after my 14th 82x20
Horror movies that leave your jaw on the floor
Max 1 Playstyle Plus Evos…
Daily content: Jaap Stam SBC | 83+ x10 Upgrade SBC | Daily Login Upgrade SBC | 83+ x5 Attackers Upgrade SBC (14.01.2025)
15-0 on PC using the 41212 (2). I'm willing to give any tips/advice in the comments!
How do I avoid offside
Rat Of The Year 8#. Toty Icon Best won the last vote. Now, who was the rattiest left winger of the year? Comment with highest upvotes wins!
The fact you can make so many past and presents because of the 85x10 and sbcs out make this part of the game my favourite
Why can't I submit SBCs?
I am in utter disbelief
People who use Paletools are actual cheaters
Lahm or Toure?
How the fuck do I keep my fodder up
I try to get him every year😔🇪🇬
Who to upgrade for CM?
If I blue this badboi does he lose his Icon-ish chemistry links?
Should I sell my berkcamp
Two in two days. It's August but still fuck yeah.
These are the recent Futties leaks!🩷💛
Thoughts on my NBA Team. Any improvements?
Is it just me?
Who’s your “best” pull yet most disappointing card you got recently? I’ll go first
If the only time your game feels playable is 3am, don't buy the next FIFA
Which 2 should i start?⤵️