I can tell that God is a black person
Switches for Sayodevice
Who do u guys think is the true god
Is this a good? (I just playing)
Musk memes
JD Addresses an Audience
Banned for the free speeches the conservatives meant? Weird.
Parenting/Family issues Mega Thread
Politics Mega Thread
Race related issues Mega Thread
LGBTQ+ Mega Thread
Religion Mega Thread
Macbook pro mid 2015 won’t boot.
Especially the fact that they don't realize usb-a will be obsolete in next 5 years and will received the same treatment as VGA
Image having KKK dressed up as Republicans in your country, that's some sad shit
If Atheism is false then explain who created God?
Why does my GRANDMA have 2 beasts and 3 ancients bro😔😭
Europe is hardly a progressive haven of a continent when the largest and most populous country is Russia and the largest city on the continent is Moscow
Salutes literally just tells people your political belief or the person you're doing the salute to
The people who voted for Trump "based on egg prices" had ulterior motives
The word "Conservative" sounds like "I'll use what used to work i don't care"
My first MacBook!
Hand Size Difference (PureLily)
Mac Mini M4 Pro & Secret Lab Setup - My Happy Place!! 🖥️