PSA to all groomers! Stretch!!
Has anyones ADHD affected your ability to hold a job?
I'm so tired of trying to take my breaks as fast as humanly possible to not get out late
Rattlesnakes and dogs
Stuck on progress
Absolutely LIVID with Calgary Transit!
I want to quit
Changes to commission
When applying to salons..
My wife doesn't want rats because she says their little hands are creepy. Post pictures of your rat's grabbers to change her mind!
What are some animals to put together in a habitat that lives peacefully + not stressed easily because of guests?
Just realized some days medication will NOT work, no matter what
Rremove pillars from train track?
"Anonymous Participant" should not be allowed in social media groups such as Facebook community pages.
Many many more ideas for future packages, It's always time to imagine a zoo with all the animals you would like to see!! <3333333
I start work at 11 and I waste my whole morning
I am not rescheduling my surgery
I sold something on fb marketplace and the buyer wants a refund
On my 3rd week of being out of grooming academy
Need a break but don’t want it
Please tell me your stories of finding true love after the worst breakup of your life
Any other Albertan lurkers?
Which job has, hands down, the worst impact on mental health?
What are we all doing with our inherited porcelain doll collections (and other unwanted treasures)
Quickstop dispenser recommendations?