Looking for M1A1 Abrams schematics.
The circle continiues
10 years of upgrades in one photo - 750Ti (2015), 1070Ti (2019), 4070 (2025).
Weapons tier list (12/28/2024)
Remember the excitement!?
Power supply unit for a new GPU.
Considering switching to Radeon hardware setup, need some guidance.
Tune it down a bit or give us sunglasses.
I am new to animation. Would you consider this a good reload animation by today's standards?
How about some drones?
Universal (not really) shape analyzer.
Booby traps.
List of various features and mechanics this game can potentially implement.
Games Baked in Germany
Suicidal, HELP.
Please Share!!
Doing a lot better now and life is progressing
Went through a mental breakdown yesterday.
How is it since you started a treatment for depression/anxiety/stress ?
My story so far.
Let us fold/collapse weapon's stock wherever possible.
Kind of tired of virgin shaming
This game needs one place dedicated to players' proposals.
Tactical belt taken from dead enemy has 2*2 size instead of 1*2.
Let us place 1x scopes on upper slot of the AK handguards/gas tubes with rails.