Is there a way to filter notifications from mod authors you track?
Help: Weapon Damage vs Character Attack Bonus & Damage
Was Ashley being a " racist/xenophobes " needed.
Has there been a fan HD remaster?
Feels bad man
Now THIS would have made Jacob an interesting character
why are people complaining mass effect being "woke"
Was anyone dissapointed andromeda didnt get a sequel
I miss vanilla Kelly
(Priority: Rannoch) What is up with this weird scene [starts @ 0:30]?
I think Jack has a crush on Miranda
Is there an option to change the display of my email address?
sad about suicide mission
Most wasted characters in the series?
What is something Shepard could do in ME2 that Samara would definitely kill them for?
How many times did you drop a game before you eventually liked it?
So, I've realised that most people are divided/uncertain or dislike the three male human squadmates: Kaiden, James and Jacob (apparent worst) why is this?
What games are we all playing?
Andromeda Arks, good idea but poor execution?
BREAKING NEWS: GTA VI Will be delayed To 2026 to completely rewrite Jason's character, Her Name is Now Joanna And is transgender
First time playing on insanity :|