Argentimbres #6
Argentimbres #9
Which game is this for you?
Argentimbres #8
Argentimbres #7
In Argentina, next to the Obelisco, there's a regular three-story house built on top of a twelve-story building
Which games should i buy
Cuánta gente pasará por el obelisco sin saber que existe este chalet construido sobre un edificio?
El famoso más famoso que conociste en persona?
We just released Desvelado on the Nintendo Switch! - 🎵 Sound on for some special tunes 🎵
We just released on the Switch this game made with Godot - Desvelado!
Imposible no tener flashbacks de la infancia
Sirra de la Vigilancia, Buenos Aires. Feb '24
Otra coronación de gloria: Juegazo argentino para Switch (🎵escuchen esa música🎵)
After a lot of work and sweat and fine-tuning I'm happy to tell you we're releasing Desvelado on Switch today - 🎵Sound on for some catchy tunes🎵
San Diego, CA. May 2023
Desvelado - Indie game making the leap from Steam to Switch. Do you think it has what it takes?
Standing on 100% positive reviews in Steam, we're releasing Desvelado on Switch today.. Do you think this streak can continue in consoles?
What kind of trailer has more weight on your decision to buy a new indie game and why? Cinematic trailers or gameplay trailers?
A que estan jugando esta semana?
Juegos que podes jugar mientras tomas un mate🧉? Para mi estos, tiren mas juegos
Tiren nombres de negocio falopa
Mendoza, Argentina. Abril '24.
Argentimbres #5