Name suggestions for the baby girl I'm adopting this weekend !
Does this look like a food allergy?
made these for my grandmas 80th birthday, i liked them but ive gotten mixed opinions… 🥲
Would you invest in braces to fix this?
32F Lesbian looking for cozy friendships
Your most missed discontinued food.
Struggling with eating properly
Coping with smells
Day 1 and I already feel my mental health go down
Cat issues
Question Ortho office won't answer
Did they cut my layers too short?
My Husband and I - would love someone to draw us x
Will Lexapro stop me from worrying all the time
Best thing I discovered on my own!
Finished my stardew sweater!
What hobby did you actually manage to stick at?
Narcissistic religious parents?
Help name our newest member to our family. (Boy)
Alcohol and Wellbutrin (I've read through old posts)
What is my eye colour? Hazel? Brown? Greeny?
What are the "holes" in my eyes
Im going to be 25 and have accomplished nothing
What do you all do with this weird spot in your HR-V? Just got mine a week ago, LOVE it! But this area feels so weird and any time I try and utilize it it feels awkward.